Tag: News

  • libestr 0.1.11

    libestr 0.1.11 has been released.

    This release offers bigfixes and minor changes. Also, autotools requirements have been lowered.

    You can download it here.

    Version 0.1.11 2018-10-30

    • portability: remove issues associated with AC_FUNC_MALLOC
      This configure.ac macro is known to cause issues and not provide real
      benefit. Thus many projects have removed it, as we have for most of
      the rsyslog projects. libestr seemed to have overlooked.
      This came up when troubleshooting issues on IBM AIX.
    • make build on AIX
      Thanks to github user purnimam1 for the patch
    • bugfix: es_str2num mishandling empty strings
      If es_str2num() receives an empty string, misadressing happens.
      Under extreme conditions, this theoretically can lead to a segfault.
      Thanks to Jan Gerhards for the patch.
      closes https://github.com/rsyslog/libestr/issues/10
    • CI/Travis: now also test on osX


  • libestr 0.1.10

    libestr 0.1.10 has been released.

    This release offers bigfixes and minor changes. Also, autotools requirements have been lowered.

    You can download it here.

    Version 0.1.10 2014-12-09

    • changed some functions that don’t modify their arg to take const arg
    • bugfix: str2num did not convert hex values correctly
    • bugfix: problems with trailing incomplete hex sequence
    • bugfixes to StrFromNumber
    • some checks for potential overflows with giantic strings (>2GB)
    • lower autotools requirement to 2.59 permits to build on stock RHEL/CENTOS 5
  • libestr 0.1.9

    libestr 0.1.9 has been released.

    This release offers a critical bugfix.

    You can download it here.

    Version 0.1.9 2013-10-28

    • bugfix: invalid number string when creating string from integer
      Thanks to Pavel Levshin for the patch


  • libestr 0.1.8

    libestr 0.1.8 has been released.

    This release offers a critical bugfix.

    You can download it here.

    Version 0.1.8 2013-10-16

    • bugfix: previous fix for string comparisons did not work properly
      Thanks to Tomas Heinrich for alerting us



  • libestr 0.1.7

    libestr 0.1.7 has been released.

    This release offers a critical bugfix.

    You can download it here.

    Version 0.1.7 2013-10-10

    • bugfix: invalid comparison results for different-length strings
      es_strcmp, es_strcasecmp, es_strbufcmp, and es_strcasebufcmp returned incorrect results if the first string was smaller than the second. In that case, the first string was always assumed to be lexially lower than the second. If the second string was larger than the first, the same issue occured. This did not affect equal comparisons, but LT/GT checks lead to invalid result, with potentially harsh consequences (e.g. qsort() did not work properly). This bug is present for a very long time, potentially down to the initial implementation of libestr.


  • libestr 0.1.6

    libestr 0.1.6 has been released.

    This release offers a critical bugfix.

    You can download it here.

    Version 0.1.6 2013-09-12

    • bugfix: ascii hex code escapes did not work
      Thanks to Rene Kalff for the patch
  • libestr 0.1.4

    libestr 0.1.4 has been released.

    This release offers a bugfix for the escape functionality.

    You can download it here.

    Version 0.1.4 2012-09-13

    • bugfix: ‘\\’ escape was not recognized when unescaping strings
      Thanks to Miloslav Trmač for the patch.
  • libestr 0.1.3

    libestr 0.1.3 has been released.

    This release offers API enhancements.

    You can download it here.

    Version 0.1.3 (rgerhards), 2012-07-04

    • bugfix: fixed some problems in build system
      Thanks to Jan Engelhardt for the patches
    • bugfix: license doc COPYING was accidently overwritten, now LGPL again (thanks to John Back for alerting me!)


  • libestr 0.1.1

    This release offers API enhancements. Most importantly, they are required by rsyslog v6.3.3.

    You can download it here.

    Version 0.1.1 (rgerhards), 2011-07-12
    – added new API functions:
    * es_newStrFromNumber(),
    * es_str2num()
    * es_strncmp()
    * es_strncasecmp()
    * es_strContains()
    * es_strCaseContains()
    * es_tolower()